Dedicated to Mia

They are not “just a dog” they are a piece of your heart, a source of comfort, and unconditional love. To them, you are the most amazing living being in the world. They don’t care if you have money or material things, they just need a good scratch behind the ears every now and then. Loving a dog is the easiest kind of love there is. They don’t judge  you,  hold grudges, or wish you were someone you’re not. They simply love you. That’s it. You’re always good enough, they never tire of you. Don’t take them for granted. Their time on earth is to short. And while we only have a short time with them, the memories, laughter and love will live in our hearts for eternity.

We know we’ll see you again, and you’ll have a Frisbee waiting. We love you Mia, you are greatly missed every day.


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